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Since the debut of Invictus Speaker Reference, we realized that the gap with Dedalus Speaker was significant and that there would be the technical and commercial space to insert the right middle ground that could support very high-level systems but compromise with cost. Dedalus Elite is certainly closer in concept to Invictus, but in order to hit the target of a cable that was somewhere in between, we wisely made cuts so that the result would be of the highest level and at a lower cost.
The acoustic result is characterized by a definite step forward in naturalness and control compared to Dedalus, with a listening dynamic and Soundstage that closely resembles its big brother. It is certainly an ideal candidate for very high-end Hi-End systems , even those not of absolute level. In these, while some sacrifices have been made compared with Invictus Reference, not much difference is shown in listening.
Dedalus Elite is not simply a Invictus made on the cheap. Although several technical solutions derive from the latter, the underlying design is completely new, developed, however, with an eye on the economic factor. The conductors, again made of 7N MARC Copper, are made with an innovative hexaphony concept , stringing together 784 wires that make up each 6.4 mm2 conductor. In practice, we have maintained the cross section of Dedalus, realizing a geometry similar to that of Invictus which reduces the steric encumbrance and also allows us to improve the already excellent electrical performance, as well as giving superior listening refinement.
Another special feature resulting from Invictus Speaker is the innovation of the double dielectric, made of two newly developed R-TEC polymers, which can decisively improve the dielectric constant and, consequently, the flow of the audio signal in the form of INTERCONNECT low-voltage electric signal, and at the same time promote the functionality of the semiconductor(RNR Noise Reduction), which is also improved.
In addition to the innovative geometry, a new mixed cylinder and cotton system insulation debuts, making the dual shielding from external interference more effective. The connectors are the same as those fitted by Dedalus Speaker, namely, BFA banana plugs in Copper/Tellurium with a reinforced center pole. A very stylish new livery protects Dedalus Elite, which exudes craftsmanship in every part.
Ricable Speaker is a handmade product made in Italy and, in addition to providing a significantly higher level of care than industrial cables, allows it to be customized according to one's needs, for example: